We Are Proud of Our Alumni

If you are an alumnus or alumna of FIU, we would love to know where you are right now! Use the links below to keep us informed. Also take the 5-minute survey to evaluate your experience at FIU.

Graduate Evaluation of FIU – Provide valuable insight to the staff at FIU by completing this 5-minute survey.

Alumni Update Your Information – Keep in touch!

Student Request Form

Refer a Student – Is there someone you think would benefit from attending FIU? If so, why not point them in the right direction using this simple form.

Provide us with an Externship Site – As you know, a student’s hands-on real world experience can be some of the most important. Be a part of this crucial time in the students’ journey to reaching their dreams!

FIU Alumni Gallery

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Stay in Touch, Alumni!

Send a message to your alma mater. You may also reach our office phone at (850) 478-7611.